Please check back in early 2025 for Board of Directors Announcements
You can also become involved with the OCTWS by
joining one of our standing committees
joining one of our standing committees
How do I join the board of directors?
Each year at the time of the AGM (March) the OCTWS will put out a call to join the board of directors (BoD). To nominate yourself for a BoD position you need to simply email us expressing interest, and include a brief bio-sketch by the deadline on the call. We will then email our membership with the biosketches for all nominees to be approved. In years where we have more nominees than positions, this may be voted on. Accepted directors are announced at the AGM, and are active immediately following for a two year term. A President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer will be elected from within the BoD. The BoD meets once monthly or as needed to discuss chapter business and plan events in collaboration with our standing committees. Example events include the yearly AGM & conference, workshops, seminars, webinars. We also aim to put out a quarterly newsletter, and update our website and social medias with important information about the chapter and the wildlife community in Ontario.
What is required to join the board of directors?
BoD members must be members of the OCTWS (join here) and members of our parent society, TWS (join here). We have monthly BoD meetings at a time that works best for the most BoD members. In the event that BoD members are unable to attend a meeting, they are responsible for reviewing meeting minutes and following up with action items as needed.
What positions are available on the board of directors?
The BoD is composed of 3-15 BoD members. At the first BoD meeting following the AGM (in March), the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer positions will be filled from within the BoD (if open). The President is responsible for scheduling and running BoD meetings, attending Canadian Section Collaborator Meetings, and supporting OCTWS happenings as needed. The Vice President supports the president and runs BoD meetings when the president cannot be in attendance. The secretary is responsible for managing and maintaining the membership list and edits the newsletter. The Treasurer is responsible for managing all financial matters. All other BoD members are responsible for attending monthly meetings and contributing as they are able.
Each year at the time of the AGM (March) the OCTWS will put out a call to join the board of directors (BoD). To nominate yourself for a BoD position you need to simply email us expressing interest, and include a brief bio-sketch by the deadline on the call. We will then email our membership with the biosketches for all nominees to be approved. In years where we have more nominees than positions, this may be voted on. Accepted directors are announced at the AGM, and are active immediately following for a two year term. A President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer will be elected from within the BoD. The BoD meets once monthly or as needed to discuss chapter business and plan events in collaboration with our standing committees. Example events include the yearly AGM & conference, workshops, seminars, webinars. We also aim to put out a quarterly newsletter, and update our website and social medias with important information about the chapter and the wildlife community in Ontario.
What is required to join the board of directors?
BoD members must be members of the OCTWS (join here) and members of our parent society, TWS (join here). We have monthly BoD meetings at a time that works best for the most BoD members. In the event that BoD members are unable to attend a meeting, they are responsible for reviewing meeting minutes and following up with action items as needed.
What positions are available on the board of directors?
The BoD is composed of 3-15 BoD members. At the first BoD meeting following the AGM (in March), the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer positions will be filled from within the BoD (if open). The President is responsible for scheduling and running BoD meetings, attending Canadian Section Collaborator Meetings, and supporting OCTWS happenings as needed. The Vice President supports the president and runs BoD meetings when the president cannot be in attendance. The secretary is responsible for managing and maintaining the membership list and edits the newsletter. The Treasurer is responsible for managing all financial matters. All other BoD members are responsible for attending monthly meetings and contributing as they are able.