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RegistrationRegistration for this conference is free for members. You can join the OCTWS for $5 (students) or $10 (professionals). You can join here:
* Invited speaker presentations will be recorded and available following the conference for OCTWS members *
Invited Speakers
Dr. Christina Davy - Assistant Professor, Carleton University
Dr. Christina Davy is an Assistant Professor at Carleton University, where her lab conducts research to inform the recovery of endangered species (mostly reptiles and bats). Building on the concept of aeroconservation, she is interested in defining aerial habitats and integrating these into conservation policy. She will share a series of studies her team recently conducted, using wildlife tracking tools to link critical habitats for endangered bats across their full annual cycle.
Dr. Art Rodgers - Research Scientist, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
Dr. Art Rodgers is a Research Scientist at the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Centre for Northern Forest Ecosystem Research in Thunder Bay where his primary research has been on the effects of forest management and other forms of natural and anthropogenic disturbance on moose and caribou. He served two terms as Canadian Section Representative to TWS Council. Art has been President of the Canadian Section and a member of their Board of Directors. He was the first Past-President of the Ontario Chapter when it was formed in 2012. He is currently TWS’ President Elect.
Dr. Greg Mitchell - Research Scientist, Environment and Climate Change Canada
Dr. Gregory Mitchell is a research scientist at Environment and Climate Change Canada, and an Adjunct professor at Carlton University. Dr. Mitchell will be presenting his research on the conservation and migration of the Monarch Butterfly across Canada and North America.
Dr. Christina Davy is an Assistant Professor at Carleton University, where her lab conducts research to inform the recovery of endangered species (mostly reptiles and bats). Building on the concept of aeroconservation, she is interested in defining aerial habitats and integrating these into conservation policy. She will share a series of studies her team recently conducted, using wildlife tracking tools to link critical habitats for endangered bats across their full annual cycle.
Dr. Art Rodgers - Research Scientist, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
Dr. Art Rodgers is a Research Scientist at the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Centre for Northern Forest Ecosystem Research in Thunder Bay where his primary research has been on the effects of forest management and other forms of natural and anthropogenic disturbance on moose and caribou. He served two terms as Canadian Section Representative to TWS Council. Art has been President of the Canadian Section and a member of their Board of Directors. He was the first Past-President of the Ontario Chapter when it was formed in 2012. He is currently TWS’ President Elect.
Dr. Greg Mitchell - Research Scientist, Environment and Climate Change Canada
Dr. Gregory Mitchell is a research scientist at Environment and Climate Change Canada, and an Adjunct professor at Carlton University. Dr. Mitchell will be presenting his research on the conservation and migration of the Monarch Butterfly across Canada and North America.
uThis conference will be entirely online on March 30th, 2024. We will be using Slack and Zoom. If you have registered, check your email for a link to join the Slack. All meeting links can be found on the Slack.
10:00 – 11:00 Pre-conference registration and technology check
11:00 -11:45 Invited speaker: Dr. Christina Davy
11:45-12:00 Break
12:00 – 13:30 Extended contributed talks
12:00-12:30 Jordan Reynolds, Avian species elevational patterns in mountain peatlands
12:35 – 13:15 Invited speaker: Dr. Arthur Rodgers
13:15-13:30 Break
13:30 – 14:45 Contributed talks
13:30-13:45 Mathew Ketchin, Mapping Outdoor Recreation Intensity in Non-Urban Canadian Parks with Big Data
13:45-14:00 Natalie Hyrnko, Habitat Selection and Relative Abundance of Coyotes (Canis latrans) within the Long Point National Wildlife Area
14:00-14:15 Jonathan Cole, Impacts of land conversion on wolf habitat amount, habitat fragmentation, and functional connectivity in the Adirondack-to-Laurentians (A2L) transboundary wildlife linkage
14:15-14:30 Kelly Mclean, Resource Selection of Migrating Sandhill Cranes as Revealed by High Resolution Telemetry Data
14:30-14:45 Kiaunna Lee, Breeding Habitat Selection of Sandhill Cranes in Eastern Canada's Boreal Forest
14:45- 15:00 Break
15:00-15:45 Invited speaker: Dr. Gregory Mitchelle
16:00 - 17:00 OCTWS Annual general meeting
10:00 – 11:00 Pre-conference registration and technology check
11:00 -11:45 Invited speaker: Dr. Christina Davy
11:45-12:00 Break
12:00 – 13:30 Extended contributed talks
12:00-12:30 Jordan Reynolds, Avian species elevational patterns in mountain peatlands
12:35 – 13:15 Invited speaker: Dr. Arthur Rodgers
13:15-13:30 Break
13:30 – 14:45 Contributed talks
13:30-13:45 Mathew Ketchin, Mapping Outdoor Recreation Intensity in Non-Urban Canadian Parks with Big Data
13:45-14:00 Natalie Hyrnko, Habitat Selection and Relative Abundance of Coyotes (Canis latrans) within the Long Point National Wildlife Area
14:00-14:15 Jonathan Cole, Impacts of land conversion on wolf habitat amount, habitat fragmentation, and functional connectivity in the Adirondack-to-Laurentians (A2L) transboundary wildlife linkage
14:15-14:30 Kelly Mclean, Resource Selection of Migrating Sandhill Cranes as Revealed by High Resolution Telemetry Data
14:30-14:45 Kiaunna Lee, Breeding Habitat Selection of Sandhill Cranes in Eastern Canada's Boreal Forest
14:45- 15:00 Break
15:00-15:45 Invited speaker: Dr. Gregory Mitchelle
16:00 - 17:00 OCTWS Annual general meeting
Annual General Meeting
AGM Slides
AGM Agenda
1. Presidents Report
2. Standing Committee Reports
3. Treasurers Report
4. Elections
5. New Business
6. Open Discussion
AGM Agenda
1. Presidents Report
2. Standing Committee Reports
3. Treasurers Report
4. Elections
5. New Business
6. Open Discussion