Registration is a three step process: 1) select registration type and complete payment, 2) complete the registration form, and 3) optionally register for workshops.
Scroll down on this page to complete all steps
Step 1. Select registration type and complete payment
If you wish to pay by e-transfer please send funds to [email protected] with your name and email you registered with in the comments. If you would like the join the OCTWS you can do so here. Student memberships are $5/year and Professional memberships are $10/year. "Early Career" is classified as being within 2 years of graduation from a post-secondary institution.
Once payment is completed do not forget to return to this page and complete steps two and three
Step 2. Complete the registration form
(same form for in-person and virtual)
Deadline for in-person registration: MArch 21st at midnight
Deadline for Virtual Registration: MArch 24th at Midnight
Make sure to click the "submit" button below or your responses will not be recorded.
Step 3. Register for workshops
(conference registration required to participate in workshops)
Workshops are now full.